166. Notes to Colebrooke's Essay on the Vedas. Pp. 103-132 of vol. 1 of the second edition of Colebrooke's Essays, London, 8°.
167. Intercollegiate emulation. The Nation, No. 399, February 20.
168. On the U. S. Geological Survey of the Territories. American Journal of Science for Dec. 1873, vol. 6, pp. 463-466.
169. Hall's Recent exemplifications of false philology. The New York Times, February 26.
170. Hall's Modern English. Ibidem, December 6.
171. The Hayden Expedition (letters from Colorado). The New York Tribune, extra No. 14, December 30. [Translated by Emile Delerot into French in Le Tour du Monde, Nouveau Journal des Voyages publié sous la direction de M. Edouard Charton (Paris, Hachette), pp. 353-368.]
172. Text-books for the study of Sanskrit. The (Yale) College Courant, December 13. Reprinted, with corrections and additions, June 27, 1874.
173. La question de l'anusvāra Sanscrit. Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, vol. 2 (1875), pp. 194-190. [Dated April 10, 1873; issued 1875.] (Cf. No. 185.)
[174.] On the so-called vowel-increment, with special reference to the views of Mr. J. Peile. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. lxvii-lxviii.
[175.] On Johannes Schmidt's new theory of the relationship of Indo-European languages. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. lxxvii-lxxviii.
[176.] On Mori's proposal that the Japanese adopt English as a national language. The Nation, January 23.
[177.] Hall's Exemplifications of false philology. The Nation, May 15.
[178.] Review of J. Garrett's Classical dictionary of India. The (New York) Independent, April 10.
[179.] Edited: Essays, Philological and critical, selected from the papers of James Hadley, LL.D., Professor of Greek in