Rundschau (Berlin), vol. 4, No. for Aug. 1875, pp. 259-279.
[199.] Professor Whitney on Language. The (London) Academy, September, 1875.
[200.] Review of A. Schiefner's Bharatæ responsa Tibetice cum versione latina. Jenaer Literaturzeitung. June 11, 1875. [Festival-number, in celebration of Böhtlingk's sixtieth birthday and of the completion of the Sanskrit-Wörterbuch.]1876.
202. Ζεῦ = dyāùs, and other points relating to Sanskrit grammar, as presented in M. Müller's recent volume of "Chips." Ibidem, pp. cxxvi-cxxix.
203. On De Rougë's derivation of the Phenician alphabet from the Egyptian characters. PAOS. for November, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. cxxxi-cxxxii.
204. The study of English grammar. New England Journal of Education, March 18, April 15, May 13.
205. Müller's Rig-Veda and commentary. New Englander, vol. 35, pp. 772-791.
── Language. Article in Johnson's New Universal Cyclopædia, vol. 2, pp. 1633-1641. [This article seems to belong to 1876, but was entered also under 1886, and numbered there.]
[206.] Language and its study, with especial reference to the Indo-European family of languages. Seven lectures by W. D. W., . . .; edited, with introduction, notes, tables of declension and conjugation, Grimm's law with illustrations, and an index, by the Rev. R. Morris. London, 1876. [The first "seven lectures" of No. 74. See above, p. 76, note.]
[206a.] Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm: with an introduction and notes. [In the series, "Whitney's German Texts."] New York, 12°, ii + 138pp.