desire fitly to commemorate his distinguislied services. It was suggested that the principal session of the joint convention, the arrangements for which were already well under way, should be made a memorial meeting, and be devoted to the expression, on the part of his colleagues and friends, of their appreciation of the character and public services of Mr. Whitney. This suggestion met with a quick, general, and cordial response. The arrangements were brought to a speedy conclusion; and the Philadelpliia Congress of American Philologists of December, 1894, at which more than two hundred scholars were assembled, was the result.
In the organization of this Congress, the initiative was taken by the American Oriental Society and by the American Philological Association,—the two oldest of the societies concerned, and the two with which Professor Whitney had been more intimately connected. To each of the other leading American societies of kindred aims, an invitation was issued to hold a meetinsr in Philadelphia during the Christmas holidays in conjunction with the other societies named. The invitations were duly accepted, and the following societies assembled in joint and special sessions on December 27, 28, and 29, at the University of Pennsylvania:—
The American Oriental Society, organized 1842.
The American Philological Association, organized 1869.
The Spelling Reform Association, organized 1876.
The Archaeological Institute of America, organized 1879.
The Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, organized 1880.
The Modern Language Association of America, organized 1883.
The American Dialect Society, orgranized 1889.