[301.] Edited: Forty years' record of the Class of 1845, Williams College. New Haven. 8°, pp. xvii + 196. [Pp. iii-xvii, containing Introduction, general history, and statistics of the class, etc., are from Mr. Whitney's pen.]
[302.] A brief autobiographical sketch published as a part (pp. 175-182) of the foregoing number. [This sketch—although brief—is of importance, inasmuch as the information concerning matters of fact which it contains is absolutely authentic and trustworthy.]1886.
304. A practical French grammar, with exercises and illustrative sentences from French authors. New York, 12°, xiii + 442 pp.
305. The roots of the Sanskrit language. Trans. APA. for 1885, pp. 5-29. (Cf. No. 298.)
306. The Upanishads and their latest translation. AJP., vol 7, pp. 1-26. (Cf. Nos. 295; 303 and 315 and 322; 320 and 321.)
307. Language. Article in Johnson's New Universal Cyclopædia, vol. 2, pp. 1633-1641. [See the entry immediately after No. 205.] (Cf. Nos. 48-56.)
308-310. Alphabet. Vol. 1, pp. 348-351.—Africa, Languages of. Ibidem, p. 171.—Aryan Race and Language. Ibidem, pp. 799-802. Articles in Appleton's New American Cyclopedia, 2d ed. [These appear to belong rather to the year 1873.] (Cf. Nos. 48-56.)
[311.] Review of T. P. Hughes's A dictionary of Islam. The Critic, May 22.