master. "1850, Sept. 20. Sailed for Germany in the steamer Washington. Spent three winters in Berlin, studying especially with Dr. Weber, and two summers in Tübingen, Würtemberg, with Professor Roth." Thus runs the entry in the Fact-book. A few lines later we read: "Leaving Berlin in April, 1853, stayed six weeks in Paris, three in Oxford, and seven in London (collating Sanskrit manuscripts), and then returned in the steamer Niagara, arriving in Boston Aug. 5." Such is the modest record that covers the three momentous years of the beginning of a splendid scientific career. For in this brief space he had not only laid broad and deep foundations, by studies in Persian, Arabic, Egyptian, and Coptic, but had also done a large part of the preliminary work for the edition of the Atharva-Veda,—as witness the volumes on the table before you, which contain his Berlin copy of that Veda and his Paris, Oxford, and London collations.
Meantime, however, at Yale, his honored teacher and faithful friend. Professor Salisbury, "with true and self-forgetting zeal for the progress of Oriental studies" (these are Mr. Whitney's own words), had been diligently preparing the way for him; negotiating with the corporation for the establishment of a chair of Sanskrit, surrendering pro tanto his own office, and providing for the endowment of the new cathedra; leaving, in short, no stone untiu'ned to insure the fruitful activity of his young colleague. Nor did hope wait long upon fulfilment; for in 1856, only a trifle more than two years from his induction, Whitney had, as joint editor with Professor Roth, achieved a most distinguished ser-