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she seems never to have been regarded with veneration, yet, perhaps, she had more worshipers than any other traditional divinities of Ireland. Her principal place of resort was Carrig Cliodhna, or the Rock of Cliodhna generally, a picturesque and barren mass of stone, rising abruptly from the level land lying round. It is not necessary nowadays, to give the ancient Irish name of the district in which this famous rock was situated. Numerous were the places which claimed the honour of having it in its locality, and like to the cities of ancient Greece, which severally claimed to be the birthplace of Homer, so, also, many places in Munster had its own Carrig Cliodhna which was looked to with mingled feelings of awe and fear, by the neighbouring inhabitants. The place which we will fix on for her residence in the following story, is that situated in the parish of Donoughmore, barony of East Muskerry, County of Cork. It is a pile of grey massive rock rising perpendicularly to the height of 20 or 30 feet above the surrounding country and occupying an area of about one acre of land. The neighbouring district is rather hilly and mountainous; particularly to the south and west, where the Bogra hills form a connecting link, between that the continuation of the Rocks in Kerry and the Bullyhoura and Nagle mountains which were offshoots from the lordly Gullies. To the north, the rock looks down on the rich valley of the Blackwater, from which river it is distant, about six or seven miles, and the view extends far away over the wide champaign lands of Duhallow, than which there is not a fairer or more fertile district in our beautiful and beloved Island.

(To be continued.)

Latest News.
Earth, Sky, and Sea.
General Telegraph Co. (Unlimited.).

From the Supernal Spheres, Nov. 1

A tremendous banquet given to the Gods last night by Bacchus, which shows they hallow-een earthly festivals. Jupiter took soda-water and brandy this morning, and a similar report has been maliciously been circulated concerning the ox-eyedd lady. Phoebus quite choleric; Kicked Caelus out of the sky for breathing too heavily; indisposed towards evening, and retired to bed rather early.

Nov. 2.—Venus visited at the man in the Moon. Diana threatened to scratch her eyes out. Celestial court greatly scandalized.

Marine Regions.Nov.9th.—Squalls ahead. Neptune thinks he has enough of finny uns in his dominions and is incensed at the thought of a fresh influx of these turbulent beings. When they reach the line he is determined to hook them, if they don't hook it.

Abyssinia, via Cape Verde, Nov 9th.—It is generally believed that the assistance of the Emperor Theodore is at an end, since the British troops have Gon-dar.

The Markets.

Tobacco not to be had at any price; holders unwilling to part with the commodity—Great demand for preserved potatoes and plum-duff.—Water scarce, and of an inferior quality.—Pork rather higher than usual and still advancing.—Biscuit getting livelier.—Chocolate a drug in the market.—Tea rather flat.—Oatmeal steady.

Our entire staff, "devil" and all, have been fairly driven to their wits' ends to concoct something to fill up this little corner, and have utterly failed.