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"We must have been struck by a cyclone," declared Holly.

"Or a waterspout," added Bascome. "Bur-r-r-r-r! But it's cold! I'm going to cut for college!"

"Who said he was easy?" demanded Holly Cross. "Was it you, Dutch?"

"Who, me? No, I never said such a thing! Perish the thought! Easy!"

"The hardest proposition I've stacked up against in a long while," said another, rubbing his elbow. "Jove! how he did hit out!"

"And so sudden!" commented Dutch.

"Well, did you think he was going to send word on ahead when he was going to land on you?" asked Jerry Jackson. "Come on. We've had enough."

"Too much," added his brother. "I suppose this will be all over Randall in the morning."

"Not if I have to tell it," insisted Bascome.

"But Simpson may squeal."

"He'd be justified," asserted another. "He has one on us, all right."

"I believe he's too square to say anything about it," spoke Jerry.

And so it proved. The next morning, when the big Californian met his classmates, there was a calm smile on his face, but neither by word nor action did he refer to what had taken place.