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friends alighted from the car, and stood for a moment, before starting toward their college.

"What'll we do if we're caught by Zane?" asked Tom, for there was every likelihood of that happening. They had known it all the while, but did not like to think of it when the fun was at its height.

"If he nabs us, we'll have to put up with it," said Phil.

"It's easy enough to say," commented Sid, "but you know Prexy made quite a talk about it the other day, and said that anyone who was caught out late would be severely dealt with. It might mean being barred off the team."

"Jove! You don't want that to happen," remarked Frank. "Isn't there some back way we can sneak in?"

"Proc. Zane knows 'em all," asserted Tom. "We might try it around by the chapel, though. He isn't there quite so often as he is around the court and campus."

"Go ahead," urged Phil, grimly. "Might as well be killed for a lobster as a crab."

They stole silently forward, looking cautiously around for a sight of the proctor. They had almost reached the chapel, and were hoping that the remainder of the way would be clear, when Tom, who was in advance, suddenly uttered a hiss.

"What is it?" whispered Phil.