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Curiously, Phil's chums crowded close to him, looking over his shoulder at the odd key. As he had said, it was one apparently filed down from a larger one of different pattern, so that it would open their door.

And fit their lock it did, as they soon demonstrated, for, though crude in finish, it threw back the catch as easily as did one of their own.

"Worse and more of it!" murmured Phil, as he tried the key. "The fellow, whoever he is, must have been just going in our room when we came along the corridor, and frightened him."

"In that case, we ought to have seen him go past us down the stairs," said Sid.

"No, he could use the back flight, that goes down into the janitors' apartments," suggested Tom.

"Say!" cried Sid. "I have it. Maybe he was here some time ago, and when he went out, he