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what you'd call it," put in the pitcher, after a pause, long enough to allow the fact to sink into Dan's mind. "Isn't it?"

"Say, that's nothing to what I've got to tell you," spoke Dan. "Absolutely nothing. Talk about a fuzzy, musty, old second-hand chair missing! Why, do you fellows know that Ed Kerr is going to leave the football team?"

"Leave the eleven?" gasped Phil.

"What for?" cried Tom.

"Is that a joke?" inquired Sid.

"I only wish it were," declared Dan, gloomily.

"It's only too true. Ed just got a telegram stating that his father is very ill, and has been ordered abroad to the German baths. Ed has to go with him. I was with him when he got the message, and he told me about it. Then he went to see Dr. Churchill, to arrange about leaving at once. That's the rottenest piece of luck Randall ever stacked up against. It's going to play hob with the team, just as we were getting in shape to do Boxer Hall and Fairview Institute. Talk about a missing chair! Why, it simply isn't in it!"

Once more a gloomy silence, at which the fussy little alarm clock seemed to rejoice exceedingly, for it had the stage to itself, and ticked on relentlessly.