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They worked on the grandstand even during the morning of the day when the Canton Military game was to be played, and then the tired but satisfied students laid aside their hammers and saws, picked up the scattered nails, and sighed with relief.

"It was a big job—bigger than I thought it was when I proposed it," spoke Tom, "and I'm glad it's over."

"So am I," added Holly. "We'll take in some money, now. I hear there's a big crowd coming."

"We may have to take some of our funds for the relief of the college, if things keep on," remarked Kindlings. "There was another meeting of the faculty this morning, about that law and claim business."

"Is that so?" asked Phil. "Cæsar's ghost! but things aren't doing a thing but happening to Randall!"

'Well, it's always darkest just before daylight," observed Sid, and then the coach came