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"Shall we look up the girls?" asked Phil softly, as he clasped his arm in that of Tom's, and limped with him from the rooms under the grand* stand. "They'll want to see us."

"But I don't want to see them!" exclaimed the end, half fiercely. "I don't want to see anybody. I want to go off in the dark somewhere, and——"

He stopped, for he felt a raging spirit within him that he knew was not good.

"It's tough, old man," spoke Phil, softly, "but maybe it will be best for old Randall in the end."

"Best nothing! It never would have happened if we'd had you and Sid on the team."

"Oh, yes, it might."

But Tom would not have it so, and clung to the dispute until someone started an argument about the referee's ruling on a certain point, and then the subject was quickly changed.

"Better come over and see the girls," urged Phil again, as he walked along on his crutch. "Sid