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"Hello! What's up?" demanded Sid, as he and Phil, about to leave their apartment, were almost hurled from their feet when Tom burst in. "What in the name of the Gaelic Wars ails you, Tom? Has some one else left the team; or is the college on fire?"

"Yes, why this unseemly haste?" came from Phil, as he sank back on the sofa and endeavored to recover his breath, which was almost at the vanishing point because of the suddenness of his chum's advent.

"Haste? I guess you'd be in a hurry if you just heard what I did!" exploded Tom. "I'm on the track of our chair! What's the matter with you fellows, anyhow? I thought you were coming out and help me get on the trail of it."

"Oh, Sid had to look at Miss Harrison's picture before he could venture out," replied Phil, with a mocking grin at his chum. And then he dodged to escape a book, while Tom murmured: