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got to do something. It's too much to have the chair and clock disappear the same day. I'm going to post a notice on the bulletin board, stating that the person who took them is known, and had better return them at once to avoid further trouble. That's how the ladies advertise in the newspaper when they don't know who took their best umbrella at a society meeting. I'll write out a notice.'

"No, don't!" urged Phil, quickly.

"Why not?"

"Because I think this thing is a joke on us, and the more fuss we make over it the more they'll laugh at us. Bascome, or some of that crowd, have had their fingers in this pie, and it's up to us to find out how they did it, and what became of our things. Now, let's work around quietly, get the evidence we need, get back the things if possible, and have the ha-ha on them."

"Good idea," commented Sid.

"I believe you are right," agreed Tom, after thinking the matter over. "We'll keep quiet about it. Now let's get through with our boning, and go to the football meeting. They'll expect us, and, really, it's a serious matter. Randall has got to wake up considerably if she wants the championship this year."

The meeting was held in the gymnasium, and was pretty well under way when our three friends