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newly-organized team, and everyone was anxious to see what the result would be. Kerr had gone from Randall, after an affecting good-bye to his classmates, bearing with him their sincere wishes that his father would speedily recover, and that Ed would return.

Bricktop, for the first time since the season had opened, was without his football togs, and he felt it keenly. But once he had made up his mind, he decided to forget practice, though he consented to stay on about a week, and help Mr. Lighten coach Snail Looper in his work behind the line.

"Here you go, Tom!" called Sid, and he sent a puzzling spiral down the field. The plucky left end was down after it like a flash, extending his arms to gather it in. So swift was it, however, that it went right through his grasp, and bounded on the grass. Tom, like a flash, fell on it.

"Good!" cried the coach, who seemed to be watching every preliminary play, though regular practice had not yet been begun. "That's the way to do it."

There was, some warm-up work, while Mr. Lighton and Dan Woodhouse consulted, and while the captain of the scrub was getting his men together. Then came the cry again:

"Line up! Line up!"

"We'll play a ten minute half," said the captain, and he glanced at a list in his hand. "Here's