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sey twin tucked the ball under his arm, lowered his head and started back with the pigskin.

Before him ran his fellows, and speeding toward them came the eager scrub, thirsting for tackles. Jerry managed to run back twenty yards before he was downed, and as the two teams lined up for the first scrimmage, the coach shook his head rather dubiously.

"The scrub is a bit quicker than the 'varsity, I'm afraid," he whispered. "I've got to whip them into shape. Well, now to see how they tear through the line."

Phil Clinton was kneeling down behind Holly Cross to receive the ball. He gave a quick glance behind him, and decided to try out the mettle of Pete Backus.

"Seventeen—eighty-four—ready now—twenty-two—four—sixteen—eighty-three," counted Phil, but before he had called the last number he had given the signal for the ball to come back.

It was for Pete to take the pigskin in between tackle and guard, and, as he received the leather, Pete made a spring through the hole that was opened for him. He gained two yards, seeing which the coach murmured:

"He's got the strength, but he needs to be a bit quicker. Well, we've got time enough to get speed out of him, I guess."