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there would remember to whom he sold a particular clock, when there are a whole lot like it. This clock is of fairly common pattern, though it's rather expensive. I'm inclined to think that we'll never get on to the game that way."

"What have you got to suggest?" asked Tom, as he prepared to bathe his ankle, while Sid set the clock going again.

"I was going to say that we might post a notice on the bulletin board, stating that we'd had enough of the joke, and would exchange clocks back again."

"Say, I've just thought of something!" exclaimed Sid. "Maybe there's a thief in college, and he's been going around snibbying things from the fellows' rooms. He's been found out, and made to put the things back. He got our clock mixed up with another, and the other chap has got our ticker."

"Not a bad idea," assented Phil. "In that case a notice on the bulletin board would be all right, and we'll wait about writing to Chicago. But Langridge is out of it, I think."

"Well, I don't," declared Tom, half savagely, for his ankle hurt him when he rubbed it vigorously "You'll find that he's been mixed up in this somehow. The clock is from Chicago, he comes from Chicago, and there's some connection there, you can depend on it!"