Page:The Wisconsin idea (IA cu31924032449252).pdf/131

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Comparatively few prosecutions have taken place under corrupt practice acts in this country and there are few practical laws which give equality in the long litigation of such cases. This procedure is an honest attempt to provide for prosecution quickly and effectively. There are those who doubt the wisdom of it and believe that this law has gone too far in this direction. It provides for investigation in a rudimentary way, suggestive of the investigations authorized by any of the regulative laws of this state. It specifies also that the state may supply special counsel so that the state and not the aggrieved individual says to the person who is in apparent error, "We are going to investigate this. If we find sufficient cause we are going to prosecute you however many times you may appeal and however far it may be necessary to go in order to punish you and purify our elections."

The procedure is appended at some length because of its original character and experimental nature. The leaders are seeking and inviting criticisms of it.

"Prosecutions, proceedings by electors. Section 94-30. 1. If any elector of the state shall have within his possession information that any provision of sections 94-1 to 94-38, inclusive, of the statutes, has been violated by any candidate for which such elector had the right to vote, or by any personal campaign committee of such candidate, or any member thereof, he may, by verified petition apply to the county judge of the county in which