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legislative reference department and the following rules laid down so that the draftsmen could not insert jokers into the bills.

"Rules for the Drafting Room

"1. No bills will be drafted in the Reference Room. A separate Drafting Room and a separate force have been provided.

"2. No bill will be drafted, nor amendments prepared, without specific detailed written instructions from a member of the Legislature. Such instructions must bear the member's signature.

"3. The draftsman can make no suggestions as to the contents of the bills. Our work is merely clerical and technical. We cannot furnish ideas.

"4. We are not responsible for the legality or constitutionality of any measures. We are here to do merely as directed.

"5. As this department cannot introduce bills or modify them after introduction, it is not responsible for the rules of the legislature or the numbering of sections either at the time of introduction or on the final passage.

"Legislative Reference Department."

The committees were gradually altered and adapted to meet the changed economic conditions and the type of legislation which was being passed. The following are the committees in the assembly of the 1911 session:—