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died away. The other laws have met with general approval.

As an example of the sort of legislation of the session of 1911, there is a fairly accurate newspaper account in the Milwaukee Free Press of July 6, 1911, under the heading, "Constitutional amendments." Following is a digest of this article.

The following proposed amendments to the constitution were adopted this year:—

The initiative, referendum.

Providing that the salaries of members of the legislature shall be $600 per annum, instead of $500 for each biennial session.

Permitting cities to acquire lands for park purposes.

Permitting the state to install a system of insurance against sickness, death, accident and invalidity.

Permitting the state to appropriate for internal improvements—"for the purpose of acquiring, preserving and developing the water power resources and forests of the state"; limiting the appropriation therefor to a 210 of a mill tax on the property of the state.

Empowering the legislature to provide for the recall of any public elective officer, except judges.

Declaring "all lanes, mineral rights, water powers and other natural resources of natural wealth within the state which are now or may thereafter become the property of the state, shall remain forever the property of the state and shall not be alienated"; permitting the state to lease or rent such resources; and providing that all mineral rights hitherto reserved in contracts, deeds or instruments conveying real estate are abolished after Jan. 1, 1920,