Page:The Wisconsin idea (IA cu31924032449252).pdf/346

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Presidential preference, provision made for statement of, in primary election law, 93, 98.
Primary election law, 88.
Public affairs, state board of, 202, 253, 292.
Public utilities, act, 58.
home rule, 65.
increase of business of, under law, 286.
indeterminate permits, 61, 64.
opinion of Judge Marshall concerning validity of the Wisconsin act, 62.
physical valuation of, 59.
taxation of, 82.
use of uniform accounting in fixing rates in, 60.

Railroad commission, control of public utilities vested in, 58.
no delegation of legislation to, 45.
power of, to contend with corporations, 44.
elected, 38.
Railroads, early abuses of, in Wisconsin, 34.
physical valuation of, 59.
Potter law, 37.
rates, power to fix, vested in commission, 45.
regulation of, 34.
restrictive legislation, 38,
taxation of, 82.
Recall, 122.
Referendum, joint resolution for constitutional amendment concerning, 116, 309.
Oregon plan of, 116,
Refrigerator lines, regulation of, 41.
Roads, legislation concerning, 154.
Roemer, J. H., on work of the railroad commission, 59.
Ross, E, A. on precedent in law, 237.

Salaries, proper, for experts, 184.
Sanborn, A. W., on corrupt practices, 102.
Scandinavians, influence upon Wisconsin legislation, 29.
Second choice, 93.
Shippers, small, inability of, to contend with corporations, 46.
Sidings, regulation of, 41.
Sleeping car companies, taxation of, 82.
regulation of, 41.
Smith, H. L., on difficulty of interpretation of the law, 211.
Socialism, 299.
State insurance, 76.
fund to provide for fire loss on state and county property, 79.
State superintendent of public instruction, primary election law does not apply to, 92.
Statutes, revisor of, 201.
Stickney, A. B,, on early railroad history in Wisconsin, 35.
Stock watering in Wisconsin, 74.
Stocks and bonds, regulation of, 59, 71.
Street railways, companies, taxation of, 82.
law to regulate, 59.
placed under railway commission, 58.
Supreme court, limitation of power of, 240.
Switching, regulation of, 41.