Page:The Wisconsin idea (IA cu31924032449252).pdf/55

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America; that business and human welfare can increase side by side and that the best investment which the state can make is that which makes every home better, for when intelligence goes into the product, that product will win out in the race for the commercial supremacy of the world. If Wisconsin is a prosperous state to-day, there is no doubt that it is largely because of German ideas and ideals, early instituted in the state.

The Scandinavian element came later, but was animated by the very same ideals. Indeed, they became stimulated in many cases before they came to Wisconsin. Every Norwegian, Swede or Dane who pays a visit to-day to the Scandinavian countries returns an easy convert to the ideals which seem to have dominated Wisconsin during the last decade or more. Many of the leaders are found among the Scandinavians. Many important posts, influential in the guidance of the different commissions, are filled by men who have traditions from the old countries. It is worthy of comment that a Scandinavian statistician was responsible for the detailed statistical work of the railroad commission and that another gifted man of Norwegian stock has been the chief means of promoting splendid insurance laws in this state. The Norwegian element is much more active than the German in politics; it is much more aggressive. For many years one of the most talented members of the tax commission has been of that race, and it is not un-