Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/162

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Attorney Martine was asked to send the complaints before the Grand Jury, but pending any action on his part, Mr. Gould started on a trip abroad on his yacht Atalanta. Then followed probably the longest rest and only complete rest Jay Gould ever enjoyed from the time he took up and pushed through the abandoned survey of Ulster county in 1852.

He went first to Gibraltar, then to Marseilles, cruised along the Mediterranean, going to Egypt and Italy. While he was absent the legal war against him at home continued. His enemies in the Kansas Pacific still clamored for his indictment; the commissioners appointed by President Cleveland to investigate the affairs of the Pacific railroads made a thundering report against the management of those corporations, showing that they had received in aid from the government the sum of $447,000,000. Congressman Anderson offered a resolution in the House of Representatives recommending that suit be begun against Mr. Gould and others to enforce the Thurman act.

In March, 1888, the Grand Jury failed to indict, and on that very day Mr. Gould was complacently strolling about the streets of Algiers. Three weeks later Mr. Gould landed from his yacht at Jacksonville, Fla., and in a very short time he was at his desk looking after his great financial interests and manipulating the stock market.

On his return he attacked his prosecutors with a virulence which he had never displayed before, and filled the columns of the newspapers with interviews.