Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/229

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questioned. Owing to the sagacity of Roundsman Bingham of the East Fifty-first street police station and a number of central office detectives and police men in citizen's dress, not a great many reached the doctor whom he had to turn away.

One gray-haired woman, by exhibiting a card, got by the policeman and reached Dr. Munn. To him she said, smiling agreeably, that she had no wish to be intrusive, and then the door being open she sought to push by him. Detective McCloskey, of the central office, who was attending the door, closed it, and a policeman appeared just then and escorted the woman down to the street.

Although the services were not to begin until 4 o'clock the friends began to come before 3. After passing the policemen at the entrance and Dr. Munn, four detectives from police headquarters were encountered. Detective Sergeant Heidelberg stood in the vestibule, Detective Sergeant McCloske in the inner hall and Detectives Frink and Titus near the dining-room. As the guests were admitted they were shown through the hall to the drawing-room. There they formed in line and passed by the coffin slowly, so that each could get a view of the body, and then passed into the second drawing-room or through the latter to the hall or dining-room. Three ushers found seats for them. None of the family was visible. George Gould had been down earlier in the day and had received some callers, but he retired before the first of the funeral guests arrived. He and the other members of the