Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/234

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none could convince thou persuadeth; whom none could overthrow thou subdueth—mighty Death!

"Dire discouragement of human end, we bless God for our Christian faith in which Jesus Christ hath abolished death. We bless Thee that He plucked the stain from sin, that He robbed the grave of its victory, and that He filled the heavens with the ministrations of our heavenly hope in this splendor, where we hope to renew life beyond the tomb.

"We bless Thee, Heavenly Father, for Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, for our knowledge that the grave is not a dungeon but a door opening into other worlds and a new and higher life. We bless Thee that the grave is not a terminus, the final resting place, the be-all and end-all of man, but that it is only the stopping place, an inn where we humble travelers sleep the long sweet sleep on our way to the New Jerusalem.

"May the Divine Spirit be present with us in these sad solemn services, and may the light of the resurrection morn shine into this darkened and bereaved house, and may comfort, that with which God comforteth His own, touch with heavenly and hopeful grace the hearts of our friends here, wounded and bleeding still for the loss of him they all loved so well. Amen."

Dr. Paxton read that part of the service beginning, "I am the resurrection and the life," and the quartet sang the beautiful hymn of Cardinal Newman, "Lead, Kindly Light, Amid the Encircling Gloom." Then the Rev. Mr. Terry read the second part of the burial service, at the conclusion of which Chancellor MacCracken offered prayer as follows:

"O, Father, Thou only art perfectly wise, kind, just, true and good. Therefore it is that our hearts