Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/244

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a creamy yellow, a pale pink and a pale violet. The body of the floor is in the pale violet, with two brands of the pink and yellow crossing it.

The interior is 20 feet long, 7 feet wide and 13 feet high. Its roof is a solid slab of granite, which weighs six tons. The border of the ceiling is paneled with egg and dart moulding. The floor is one plain marble slab. Along the sides of the interior are the catacombs. Of these there are twenty, ten on each side, in double rows. The rows are separated from each other by granite slabs. Each catacomb is 7-1/2 feet long and 2-1/2 feet wide. Between the lower end of the catacombs and the outside of the wall of the tomb is a thickness of 18 inches. The outer part of this thickness is, of course, granite, but facing the interior the walls are of light pink and cream-colored Tennessee marble, highly polished. The light enters the crypt through a stained glass window in the back. This window, which is 6 feet high and 3 feet wide, pictures a choir of angels.

The roof of the mausoleum consists of granite slabs 32 feet long, each weighing 15 tons, and so placed together that they overlap, making the roof waterproof. The whole temple weighs about 300 tons, and rests on a solid concrete foundation 8 feet thick.

The second rear catacomb from the bottom, on the left-hand side entering the tomb, is that of Mrs. Gould, who died January 13, 1889, and was interred January 16th. The letters "Emily Day Miller, wife of Jay Gould," with the dates of her birth and death,