Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/262

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Edwin Gould, the second son, was married October 27, 1892, to Miss Sarah Cantine Shrady, step-*daughter of Dr. George F. Shrady, of No. 8 East Sixty-sixth street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Robert Collyer, at the house of the bride's father. The presents received by the young couple were very costly and numerous. Mr. Gould sent besides the diamond pendant which the bride wore at the ceremony, 200 pieces of silver in a fine oak chest. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Gould took up their residence at No. 1 East Forty-seventh street.

Edwin, though not so widely known as his brother, has an active interest in many of his father's enterprises. He is a director of the Western Union Telegraph Company and of the Manhattan Elevated railroad. He is very fond of athletic sports, and belongs to the New York Athletic Club. He has been a member of Troop A, but resigned when he was appointed Inspector of Rifle Practice.

Miss Helen Miller Gould is about twenty-three years old. She is an active church-worker and a member of Dr. Paxton's church. To her interest in missionary work has often been attributed the minister's meeting at Mr. Gould's house and the millionaire's gift of $10,000 for missions. Howard Gould is twenty-one years old, Anna is a school-*girl, and the youngest, Frank, is thirteen years old.

About a year ago cards were sent out by Mr. Jay Gould, which read simply: