Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/289

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There is an agreement among several men who have means of estimating Mr. Gould's wealth that its aggregate value may be placed around $100,000,000. A few estimates carry the value higher, while the conservative view would put the sum at $80,000,000 or $90,000,000. Russell Sage estimates his friend's estate at $100,000,000, but Washington E. Connor is said to have placed his estimate at a considerably smaller figure. Another man, who has some knowledge of Mr. Gould's affairs, stated that Mr. Gould had an annual income of $5,000,000, and that, considering the character of much of the property held by Mr. Gould, it was safe to say that this income must be based on a principal of $100,000,000 or more. Allowing for the difference in estimates made by those persons who should know the facts, it is believed that the following table presents to as close a degree as is possible the current value of the Gould estate, and of its principal constituents:

    Holdings. Estimated Value.

Western Union stock $22,000,000
Manhattan stock 14,000,000
Missouri Pacific stock 5,000,000
Missouri Pacific system bonds 20,000,000
Union Pacific stock 5,000,000
Union Pacific bonds or notes 2,000,000
Wabash stock 3,000,000
Wabash bonds 5,000,000
Texas and Pacific stock 5,000,000
Texas and Pacific bonds 5,000,000
Other securities 10,000,000
Real estate, etc. 4,000,000
Total $100,000,000