Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/291

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  • road, the St. Louis and Iron Mountain, the International

and Great Northern, Richmond Terminal, the Texas Pacific, the Union Pacific, the Wabash, the St. Louis Southwestern, the Manhattan Elevated road, the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and the Western Union Telegraph Company.

Moreover, these corporations cover scores of smaller and subordinate companies. Through Missouri Pacific Mr. Gould was interested in something like fifty companies, and the other great systems would run the list of the subordinate concerns up into the hundreds. As president of the Union Pacific, Charles Francis Adams once testified that he did not know how many presidencies he held, and Mr. Gould would have had an excuse several times better than Mr. Adams possessed for not having at his finger ends the number of concerns with which he was connected. At his office yesterday nobody would venture to say what the list would foot up.

Mr. Gould was president of the Missouri Pacific, the Manhattan Elevated, the Texas Pacific, the St. Louis and Iron Mountain, the International and Great Northern, and a director in Richmond Terminal, Western Union and Union Pacific. He is credited with a control of the stock of the elevated road and a large amount of its bonds; with the largest individual holding in Western Union stock, besides stocks and bonds of its leased lines; a control of Missouri Pacific stock and large amounts of its bonds, particularly the new issues of fives; a large block of Wabash, the amount at times running up to 40,000