Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/294

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family consent may cost Howard or Frank, or Helen or Anna, a round sum of nearly $8,000,000, and put this amount into the other five pockets of the present sextette.

The death of Jay Gould leaves vacant the presidency of the Missouri Pacific railway, the Texas Pacific, the International and Great Northern and Manhattan Railway Company. George J. Gould, it is expected, will take his father's place in these companies. In the Western Union company no position becomes vacant, except that of a membership of the board of directors.

George Gould is president of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. He is first vice-president of the Manhattan railroad and of the Texas Pacific. He is second vice-president of the Missouri Pacific and the St. Louis and Iron Mountain road. He is a vice-president of the Western Union Telegraph Company, and a member of the executive committee of its board of directors. He is a director in the Wabash and the International and Great Northern. He is a member of the Stock Exchange.

Edwin Gould, the second son, has a shorter list of offices. He is president of the St. Louis Southwestern, a director in Western Union and a member of the executive committee, and a director in the Manhattan and Missouri Pacific railroad companies. He has done some very successful work in finance, and has been counted a very shrewd operator from the beginning of his business career. The story is told of him that when he was starting out in