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just, the most republican, the best in the world. Therefore, our host is not only in favor of church extension but of Presbyterian church extension. He wants no popery, no prelacy, no three orders in a church in a land where all are equal in rights and before the law. I am sure this information will warm Dr. Hall's heart and impart to his speech increased fervor when he speaks to-night.

"We are here to face the foe, to take heart of hope, to give our money, our prayers, our tribute, our toil, knowing no such word as fail, to this good cause of extending, as Mr. Gould says, the only true, holy, catholic, American church—our old blue-*bordered Presbyterian denomination."

"I have never met Mr. Gould but once before," said the Rev. Dr. Hall, "and that was many years ago. A gentleman in Chicago wrote me regarding a missionary, who had been called back from China by the illness of his wife. The wife had recovered after the missionary's return, and the couple wanted to return to China again. The Chicago gentleman wanted to know if I could not secure a free pass for the man. I went to the railroad authorities, and was referred to Mr. Gould.

"I entered the room with fear and trembling and with many misgivings. I had never seen Mr. Gould, and you can all sympathize with my feelings. He received me cordially and listened to all I had to say. He said he thought it was a very deserving case and asked me to leave a memorandum of it. The next day I received a communication from him