Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/58

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Lee, who, like Mr. Leupp, is described as an honorable, warm-hearted man, but with more courage and grit, had the tannery guarded by about thirty or forty men whom he had hired at Scranton.

Gould, as soon as he arrived, began active operations. He interested nearly the entire population of the place in his behalf. They knew him and Lee was a comparative stranger. Gould told every one he met that he owned the tannery, that Lee and his cutthroats were endeavoring to get the property away from him, and that if they succeeded the business would go to wreck and ruin and the place would suffer a big loss. He had soon an armed gang of about 150 men around him prepared to fight for him. They were a tough looking set of men. He took them to the hotel, where he gave them an oyster supper, and then mounting an empty box addressed his forces, telling them to use no unnecessary violence, but to "be sure and get the tannery." This was probably the first and only speech Gould ever made in all his life. Filled with oysters and whisky, the men made a determined charge on the tannery, Gould directing everything, but prudently keeping in the background, for he heard that Lee had a loaded musket ready for him. The battle was fierce but short. The barricaded doors were battered in and Lee's men were driven from the tannery. Two men were badly wounded. One of Lee's party was shot through the breast. Warrants were issued for the arrest of all concerned. Many of the men fled from the place never to return.