Page:The Woman Socialist - Snowden - 1907.djvu/111

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Woman and the State

will help in this direction it is the enfranchisement of women. Not for a time, probably, will the balance of present political parties be much altered. Until they begin in great numbers to realise the power and responsibility of the vote they have won, many women will, doubtless, ask advice as to the use of their votes, of their long-enfranchised male relations. But common-sense far more than the exigencies of Party, and the general good far more than the fate of Governments, will guide the women of the future in the placing of their suffrages. The domestically-trained and religiously-developed minds of women will move on lines of domestic and moral reform, and woe betide the adventurous profligate or ignorant upstart who ventures before their keen eyes, or submits himself to their searching examination in his candidature for office. Men who would so aspire will have to be manly men, with great ideas, with good records, and with the will to do righteously in all things, serving the State.

The great country will be the country of free and honoured women joining hands with their men comrades in the service