Page:The Woman Socialist - Snowden - 1907.djvu/113

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The foregoing chapters are but the barest outline of what the future position of women will be. To describe in detail the possibilities of womanhood under a Socialist system would require many volumes this size. But crude and insufficient as is the information here, it is evidence of brighter and happier days in front of us.

It must be realised by women that the economic independence which is the promise of Socialism, is the aim to be kept in view in the exercise of the vote for which they are agitating. It must be understood by Socialists that the political enfranchisement of women is an absolutely necessary part of the establishment of Socialism; that, indeed, Socialism in the only true sense of that term, in the only wise conception of that State, can never be brought into the fulness of its being until women have been made equal with men as citizens.