Page:The Woman Socialist - Snowden - 1907.djvu/54

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The Woman Socialist

She will be paid for her work from the public funds, or she will be at liberty to take all her necessaries from the public storehouses, just as developments on socialistic and communistic lines take place. She will not be dependent on any casual individual employer, who might rid himself of her, or refuse to employ her, whenever he chose. She will not need to sell her sex for bread. Nor will she be obliged to enter into a loveless marriage-compact for sustenance.

Her sphere under Socialism will be just whatever her tastes and talents and inclinations demand that it shall be, and the State will protect her and support her whilst she serves society in the sphere of her own choice. Thanks mainly to the strenuous efforts of the splendid women pioneers who have gone before, the education at the command of girls and women at the present time is greatly in advance of that which it was thought fit to give then even so late as half a century ago. But our educational system is by no means perfect yet, and it remains to men and women filled with the ideal of Socialism to perfect our system of State