Page:The Woman Socialist - Snowden - 1907.djvu/82

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If there be one individual more than another who will feel the benefit of a fully–established Socialism in her life and upon her work it is the average working–man's wife.

What heavier drudgery could be imagined, what more depressing existence conceived than the life of such a woman? Every little task in the house to be done by one pair of hands, when the children are young, at any rate; washing, ironing, cooking, baking, scrubbing, cleaning, sewing, and mending to be done day after day, frequently for a large family (for the cradle is seldom empty) she has to be master of a dozen occupations.

Her husband toils at his one task to bring home the ofttimes scanty wage for his growing family. But she has to see to the spending of it, it out to the best