Page:The Wonderful Fairies of the Sun.djvu/17

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AGES ago, when the World was new,
Dame Nature discovered, one day,
That she couldn’t take care of it all alone,
And sent out her heralds to say
That some one was needed to help with the work,
Some Goblins, Gnomes, Spirits, or Elves;
And the very next day, at her office door,
The Fairies presented themselves.

They said they were workmen of every trade;
And they knew, if she’d let them but try,
That they could become quite a help to her
On the Earth, or around in the Sky.
They were willing to work, though most Fairies are not
(Preferring to dance, play, and sing),—
So she hired the Band; then they all cast a vote
And elected the Sun for their King.