Page:The Wonderful Fairies of the Sun.djvu/21

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THE Sun is the King of the Fairy Realms,
And a Monarch we all know well;
So let us gaze high o’er the skies and see
Where this King and his courtiers dwell.
’Tis a beautiful palace of solid gold,
With jewels and jems galore;
And all of the Fairies, both rich and poor,
Are welcome within its door.

He works very hard for a Royal King,
For there always appears to be
A legion of things to be done each day
That no one can do but he.
So, calling his chariot every morn,
Through the regions of space he’s whirled,
With a thousand bright Sunbeams to wait on him
On his journey around the world.

When taking this trip, he is always dressed
In an armor of shining gold;
And he carries a sword made of rays of light.

Which he uses, so I am told,