Page:The Wonderful Fairies of the Sun.djvu/35

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THERE once lived a beautiful Fairy,
Who floated around in the sky.
She was always inventing new wonders
To please or astonish the eye.
As soon as she finished one notion
She’d start again, hunting around
All over the sky to discover
What new things there were to be found.

It happened one day to be raining.
When out of her home in a star
This beautiful Goddess came riding;
But hadn’t progressed very far
When she met an ambitious young Sunbeam;
And, resting a while on a wall,
She told him she’d lately discovered
The greatest invention of all.

The Moon was this Goddess’s workshop,
And up there they wended their flight.
Then she gave him a dozen small Raindrops
And asked him to shine them up bright.
He scrubbed and he rubbed, till he had them
So bright they were all of a glow;
And ere the good Fairy perceived it
He’d shined up a hundred or so.