Page:The Wonderful Fairies of the Sun.djvu/47

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WE now meet four Fairies unlike the Gnomes,
The Goblins, the Sprites, or Elves;
For all of those Fairies are found in tribes
Exclusive among themselves.
The Four Winds, however, have different tastes,
Preferring to live alone,
And roam o’er the Earth or the boundless skies
In a manner that’s all their own.

Two boys and two girls form this strange quartet,
Who never were known to rest.
One boy is called North Wind, the other one East,
While the ladies are South and West.
They each have their home, though they’re miles apart,
And each in a different clime;
But there always is one of them round our home,
Though never but one at a time.

Sir North is a blustering, hearty chap,
Always dressed in a suit of snow.
He spends all his time in the Arctic lands
With the reindeer and Esquimaux.
He dances all day with the Polar Bears,
And through the long frigid nights
He works at his bellows, that furnish the draft
For the high-blazing Northern Lights.