Page:The Wonderful Fairies of the Sun.djvu/75

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The Wedding of “The Man in the Moon.”

When the wedding night was settled, and arrangements were complete,
Every star and planet got a card to go.
And they every one accepted, all except, of course, the Sun,
For he never stays out late at night you know.
Father Jupiter accepted; Saturn said he’d bring the ring;
Fierce old Mars would be policeman at the door;
Mercury would be the usher; so the groom was wild with joy,
And got fuller than he ever did before.

On that night, each star and planet donned their very best attire,
Their bright eyes twinkling in their boundless glee.
’Twas a night when all were merry, from the old down to the young,
And they all joined in to have a grand old spree.
As the hour was approaching, crowds of guests came pouring in;—
Some were hours ahead of time and had to wait;
While a member who had stopped to prink, or waited for a friend,
Came on comets, or they’d got there much too late.