Page:The Wonderful Fairies of the Sun.djvu/77

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The Wedding of “The Man in the Moon.”

They were married: and the bridegroom took his lovely blushing bride,
And a loving kiss imprinted on her lips;
And whene’er they do it now, as every little while they do,
Here on earth we call the action an “eclipse;”
Then the banquet lamps were lighted and the Heavens were ablaze,
While a marvellous feast was tendered to the crowds;
For a chair each used a moon-beam, and they made a wondrous sight
Round the table, which was laid upon the clouds.

When the wedding feast was done, congratulations came in stacks;
While the wind played glorious music for the dance;
Brother Thunder did the prompting in the lancers and quadrilles,
And the Lightning lit the hall up like a trance.
’Twas a long time after midnight when the merry-making ceased,
And the guests each took a small prismatic spray
Of Aurora Borealis, as a present from the groom,
To light their passage down the “Milky Way.”

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