Page:The Works of Alexander Pope (1717).djvu/65

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Resound, ye hills, resound my mournful strains!
I'll fly from shepherds, flocks, and flow'ry plains.—
From shepherds, flocks, and plains, I may remove,
Forsake mankind, and all the world—but love!
I know thee Love! wild as the raging main,
More fell than Tygers on the Lybian plain;
Thou wert from Ætna's burning entrails torn,
Got by fierce whirlwinds, and in thunder born!
Resound, ye hills, resound my mournful lay!
Farewell, ye woods! adieu, the light of day!
One leap from yonder cliff shall end my pains.
No more, ye hills, no more resound my strains!
Thus sung the shepherds till th'approach of night,
The skies yet blushing with departing light,
When falling dews with spangles deck'd the glade,
And the low Sun had lengthen'd ev'ry shade.