Page:The Works of Francis Bacon (1884) Volume 1.djvu/17

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PART I.From the birth of Bacon to the death of Queen Elizabeth.
From the birth of Bacon to the death of his Father.
His Birth. The University. New Atlantis. Paris. Death of his father. Return to England.
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From the death of his Father till he engaged in active Life.
His admission at Gray's Inn. His occupations.
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From his Entrance into Active Life till the Death of Elizabeth.
Parties at Court. Member for Middlesex. In his first speech recommends improvement of the law. Justitia Universalis. Speech as to the subsidies, which offends the Queen. His dignified conduct. Ben Jonson's description of him as a speaker. Exertions to be Solicitor General. Applies to the Lord Keeper, Lord Burleigh, Sir Robert Cecil. Essex's exertions. Fleming appointed. Essex gives him an estate at Twickenham. Returns to Twickenham. Invents barometer and other instruments. Resumes his professional labours. Employed by the Queen. Effort to secure a vacancy. M. A. of Cambridge. Work on Elements of the Law. Essex appointed to command in Spain. The Essays. Sacred Meditations. Colours of Good and Evil. Proposal of Marriage to Lady Hatton. Reading on Statute of Uses. Essex solicits command in Ireland. Interruption of intimacy between Bacon and Essex. Bacon dissuades Essex from accepting the command. Essex appointed Lord Lieutenant. His rash conduct. Intercession by Bacon with the Queen. Return of Essex. His imprisonment. Bacon's friendship. Private investigation in Star Chamber. Bacon's objection to this. Apology for Essex. Public proceeding against Essex. Bacon counsel against Essex. Reasons for this. Trial of Essex. His application to the Queen after the trial. Obloquy of Bacon. Imprudent conduct of partisans of Essex. Bacon's exertions with the Queen for Essex. Writes letters for him. Impropriety of this. Essex liberated. Essex's violence. Bacon's interview with the Queen. Treason of Essex. Bacon's difficult situation. Trial of Essex. His execution. Account of his treason. Death of the Queen. Bacon's praise of the Queen.
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PART II.From the the death of Elizabeth to the Death of Bacon.
From Accession of James till the Publication of the Wisdom of the Ancients.
Bacon's prospects. Approach of the King Parliament. Visit to Eton. Letter to Saville. Education. Greatness of Britain. Extent of Territory. Compactness. Martial valour. Riches. His parliamentary exertions. Advancement of Learning. Decision. Dedication. Objections from Divines. Politicians. Errors of learned men. Study of words. Government. Posthumous fame. Analysis of Science of Man. Exertions in active life. Ireland. Scotland. Church reform. Church controversies. Edification of the Church. Solicitor General. Cogitata et Visa. Wisdom of the Ancients.
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Vol. I.—(2)