Page:The Works of Francis Bacon (1884) Volume 1.djvu/469

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consent that the king our master s title to France, at lea>t tribute for the same, be handled in the treaty, the king is content to go on with tin- rest, otherwise he refuseth to treat." The ambassadors being somewhat abashed with this demand, answered insomehoat: That they doubted not, hut the king their sovereign s sword would be able to maintain his sceptre: and they assured themselves, he neither could nor would yield to any diminution of the crown of France either in territory or regality: but, how soever, they were too great matters for them to speak of, having no commission. It was replied, that the king looked for no other answer from them, but would forthwith send his own ambas sadors to the French king. There was a question also asked at the table; whether the French king would agree to have the disposing of the marriage of Britain, with an exception and exclusion that he should not marry her himself? To which the ambassadors answered : That it was so far out of Iheir king s thoughts, as they had received no instructions touching the same. Thus were the ambassadors dismissed, all save the prior; and were followed immediately by Thomas, Earl of Ormond, and Thomas Goldenston, Prior of Christ Church in Canterbury, who were presently sent over into France. In the mean space Lionel, Bishop of Concordia, was sent as nuncio from Pope Alexander the Sixth, to both kings, to move a peace between them. For Pope Alexander, finding himself pent and locked up by a league and association of the principal states of Italy, that he could not make his way for the advance ment of his own house, which he immoderately thirsted after, was desirous to trouble the waters in Italy, that he might fish the better; casting the net not out of St. Peter s, but out of Borgia s bark. And doubting lest the fears from England might stay the French king s voyage into Italy, despatched this bishop to compose all matters between the two king s if he could : who first repaired to the French king, and finding him well inclined, as he conceived, took on his journey towards England, and found the English ambas sadors at Calais, on their way towards the French king. After some conference with them, he was in honourable manner transported over into Eng land, where he had audience of the king. But notwithstanding he had a good ominous name to hae made a peace, nothing followed : for in the mean time, the purpose of the French king to marry the duchess could be no longer dissembled. Wherefore the English ambassadors finding how things went, took their leave, and returned. And the prior also was warned from hence to depart out of England. Who when he turned his back, rrinre like a pedant than an ambassador, dispersed a hitter libel, in Latin verse, against the king; unto which the kimjr, though he had nothing of a pedant, yet was content to cause an answer to be made in like verse; and that as speaking in his own person, but in a style of scorn and sport. About this time also was born the king s second son Henry, who afterward reigned. And soon after followed the solemnization of the m.irri-.ijf between Charles, and Anne, Duchess of Britain, with whom he received the duchy of Britain as her dowry, the daughter of Maximilian being a little before sent home. Which when it came to the ears of Maximilian, who would never believe it till it was done, being ever the principal in deceiving himself, though in this the French king did very handsomely second it, and tumbling it over and over in his thoughts, that he should at one blow, with such a double scorn, be defeated both of the marriage of his daughter, and his own, upon both which he had fixed high imaginations, he lost all patience, and casting off the respects fit to be continued between great kings, even when their blood is hottest, and most risen, fell to bitter in vectives against the person and actions of the French king. And, by how much he was the less able to do, talking so much the more, spake all the injuries he could devise of Charles, say ing: That he was the most perfidious man upon the earth, and that he had made a marriage com pounded between an advowtry and a rape; which was done, he said, by the just judgment of God ; to the end that, the nullity thereof being so ap parent to all the world, the race of so unworthy a person might not reign in France. And forth with he sent ambassadors as well to the King of England, as to the King of Spain, to incite them to war, and to treat a league offensive against France, promising to concur with great forces of his own. Hereupon, the King of England, going nevertheless his own way, called a parliament, it being the seventh year of his reign ; and the first day of opening thereof, sitting under his cloth of estate, spake himself unto his lords and commons in this. manner. " My lords, and you the commons, when I pur posed to make a war in Britain by my lieutenant, I made declaration thereof to you by my chan cellor. But now that I mean to make war upon France in person, I will declare it to you myself. That war was to defend another man s right, but this is to recover our own; and that ended by accident, but we hope this shall end in victory. "The French king troubles the Christian world : that which he hath is not his own, ana yet he seeketh more. He hath invested himself of Britain : he maintaineth the rebels in Flanders : and he threateneth Italy. For ourselves, he hath proceeded from dissimulation to neglect; and from neglect to contumely. He hath assailed our confederates ; he denieth our tribute : in a word, he seeks war: so did not his father, but sought peace at our hands ; and so perhaps wil he, when good counsel or time shai* inak turo see as much as his father did. 2 F2