Page:The Works of Francis Bacon (1884) Volume 1.djvu/475

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ta/our and shape. But more than that, he had such a crafty and bewitching fashion, both to move pity, and to induce belief, as was like a kind of fascination and enchantment to those that saw him, or heard him. Thirdly, he had been from his childhood such a wanderer, or, as the king called him, such a land-loper, as it was ex treme hard to hunt out his nest and parents. Neither again could any man, by company or conversing with him, be able to say or detect well what he was, he did so flit from place to place. Lastly, there was a circumstance, which is mentioned by one that wrote in the same time, that is very likely to have made somewhat to the matter: which is, that King Edward the Fourth was his godfather. Which, as it is somewhat suspicious for a wanton prince to become gossip in so mean a house, and might make a man think, that he might indeed have in him seme base blood of the house of York; so at the least, though that were not, it might give the occasion to the boy, in being called King Edward s godson, or perhaps in sport King Edward s son, to entertain such thoughts into his head. For tutor he had none, for aught that appears, as Lambert Simnel had, until he came to the Lady Margaret, who instructed him. Thus, therefore, it came to pass : there was a townsman of Tournay, that had borne office in that town, whose name was John Osbeck, a convert Jew, married to Catherine de Faro, whose busi ness drew him to live for a time with his wife at London in King Edward the Fourth s days. During which time he had a son by her, and being known in court, the king, either out of a re ligious nobleness, because he was a convert, or upon some private acquaintance, did him the honour to be godfather to his child, and named him Peter. Butafterwards proving a dainty and effemi nate youth, he was commonly called by the di minutive of his name, Peterkin, or Perkin. For as for the name of Warbeck, it was given him when they did but guess at it before examinations had been taken. But yet he had been so much talked on by that name, as it stuck by him after his true name of Osbeck was known. While he was a young child, his parents returned with him to Tournay. Then was he placed in a house of a kinsman of his, called John Stenbeck, at Antwerp, and so roved up and down between Antwerp and Tournay, and other towns of Flan ders, for a good time ; living much in English company, and having the English tongue perfect. In which time, being grown a comely youth, he was brought by some of the espials of the Lady Margaret into her presence. Who viewing him well, and seeing that he had a face and personage that would bear a noble fortune; and finding him otherwise of a fine spirit and winning behaviour, thought she had now found a curious piece of marble to ca-ve out an image of the Duke of York. She kept him by her a great while, but with great secrecy. The while she instructed him by many cabinet conferences. First, in princely behaviour and gesture ; teaching him how he should keep state, and yet with a modest sense of his misfortunes. Then she informed him of all the circumstances and particulars that con cerned the person of Richard Duke of York, which he was to act; describing unto him the personages, lineaments, and features of the king and queen his pretended parents ; and of his bro ther, and sisters, and divers others, that were nearest him in his childhood ; together with all passages, some secret, some common, that were fit for a child s memory, until the death of King Edward. Then she added the particulars of the time from the king s death, until he and his brother were committed to the Tower, as well dur ing the time he was abroad as while he was in sanctuary. As for the times while he was in the Tower, and the manner of his brother s death, and his own escape; she knew they were things that a very few could control. And therefore she taught him only to tell a smooth and likely tale of those matters ; warning him not to vary from it. It was agreed likewise between them, what account he should give of his peregrination abroad, intermixing many things which were true, and such as they knew others could t.stify, for the credit of the rest ; but still making them to hang together with the part he was to play. She taught him likewise how to avoid sundry captious and tempting questions, which were like to be asked of him. But in this she found him of him self so nimble and shifting, as she trusted much to his own wit and readiness ; and therefore la boured the less in it. Lastly, she raised his thoughts with some present rewards, and further promises; setting before him chiefly the glory and fortune of a crown, if things went well, and a sure refuge to her court, if theworstshould fall. After such time as she thought he was perfect in his lesson, she began to cast with herself from what coast this blazing star should first appear, and at what time it must be upon the horizon of Ireland ; for there had been the like meteor strong influence before. The time of the apparation to be when the king should be engaged into a war with France. But well she knew, that whatsoever should "ome from her would be held suspected. And there fore, if he should go out of Flanders immediately into Ireland, she might be thought to have some hand in it. And besides, the time was not yel ripe; for that the two kings were then upon terms of peace. Thejefore she wheeled about , and to put all suspicion afar off, and loath to keep him any longer by her, for that she knew secrets are not long-lived, she sent him unknown into Portugal with the Lady Brampton, an English lady, that embarked for Portugal at that time ; with som privado of her own to have an eye upon him, and