Page:The Works of Francis Bacon (1884) Volume 1.djvu/490

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362 HISTORY OF KING HENRY VII. And lastly, both reason of estate and war seemed to agree with this course: for that insurrections of base people are commonly more furious in their beginnings. And by this means also he had them the more at vantage, being tired and harassed with a long march ; and more at mercy, being cut off far from their country, and therefore not able by any sudden flight to get to retreat, and tc renew the troubles. When therefore the rebels were encamped on Blackheath, upon the hill, whence they might behold the city of London, and the fair valley about it; the king, knowing well that it stood him upon, by how much the more he had hitherto protracted the time in not encountering them, by so much the sooner to despatch with them, that it might appear to have been no coldness in fore-slowing, hut wisdom in choosing his time; resolved with all speed to assail them, and yet with that provi dence and surety, as should leave little to venture or fortune. And having very great and puissant forces about him, the better to master all events and accidents, he divided them into three parts ; the first was led by the Earl of Oxford in chief, assisted by the Earls of Essex and Suffolk. These noblemen were appointed, with some cor nets of horse and bands of foot, and good store of artillery, wheeling aboin to put themselves beyond the hill where the rebels were encamped ; and to beset all the skirts and descents thereof, except those that lay towards London; thereby to have these wild beasts, as it were, in a toil. The second part of his forces, which were those that were to be most in action, and upon which he relied most for the fortune of the day, he did assign to be led by the lord chamberlain, who was appointed to set upon the rebels in front, from that side which is towards London. The third part of his forces, being likewise great and brave forces, he retained about himself, to be ready upon all events to restore the fight, or con summate the victory ; and meanwhile to secure the city. And for that purpose he encamped in person in St. George s Fields, putting himself be tween the city and the rebels. But the city of London, especially at the first, upon the near en camping of the rebels, was in great tumult: as it useth to be with wealthy and populous cities, especially those which being for greatness and fortune queens of their regions, who seldom see out of their windows, or from their towers, an army of enemies. But that which troubled them most, was the conceit that they dealt with" a rout of people, with whom there was no composition 01 condition, or orderly treating, if need were; nut likely to be bent altogether upon rapine and snoil And although they had heard that the rebels had behaved themselves quietly a.nd modestly by the way as they went; yet they loubted much that would not last, but rather make them more hungry, and more in appetite to fall upon spoil in the end. Wherefore there was great running to and fro of people, some to the gates, some to the walls, some to the water-side : giving themselves alarms and panic fears con tinually. Nevertheless, both Tate, the lord mayor, and Shaw and Haddon the sheiiffs, did their parts, stoutly and well, in arming and order ing the people. And the king likewise did adjoin I some captains of experience in the wars, to advise and assist the citizens. But soon after, when they understood that the king had so ordered the I matter, that the rebels must win three battles, before they could approach the city, and that he ! had put his own person between the rebels and I them, and that the great care was, rather how to

impound the rebels that none of them might

[ escape, than that any doubt was made to vanquish them; they grew to be quiet and out of fear; the rather, for the confidence they reposed, which was not small, in the three leaders, Oxford, Essex, and D Aubigny; all men well famed and loved amongst the people. As for Jasper, Duke of Bedford, whom the king used to employ with the first in his wars, he was then sick, and died soon after. It was the two-and-twentieth of June, and a Saturday, which was the day of the week the king fancied, when the battle was fought: though the king had, by all the art he could devise, given out a false day, as if he prepared to give the rebels battle on the Monday following, the better to find them unprovided, and in disarray. The lords that were appointed to circle the hill, had some days before planted themselves, as at tho receipt, in places convenient. In the afternoon, towards the decline of the day, which was done, the better to keep the rebels in opinion that they should not fight that day, the Lord D Aubigny marched on towards them, and first beat somf. troops of them from Deptford-bridge, where they fought manfully ; but, being in no great number, were soon driven back, and fled up to their main army upon the hill. The army at that time, hearing of the approach of the king s forces, were putting themselves in array, not without much confusion. But neither had they placed, upon the first high ground towards the bridge, any forces to second the troops below, that kept the bridge; neither had they brought forwards their main battle, which stood in array far into the heath, near to the ascent of the hill. So that the earl with his forces mounted the hill, and re covered the plain without resistance. The Lord i D Aubigny charged them with great fury ; inso- i much as it had like, by accident, to have brandled I the fortune of the day : for, by inconsiderate for wardness in fighting at the head of his troops, he was taken by the rebels, but immediately rescued and delivered. The rebels maintained the fight for a small time, and for their persons showed no want of courage; but being ill armed.