Page:The Works of Francis Bacon (1884) Volume 1.djvu/506

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378 HISTORY OF KING HENRY VII garrisons there, and she received only a pension or exhibition out of his coffers. The other part of the inquiry had a grave and diligent return, informing the king at full of the present state of King Ferdinando. By this report it appeared to the king, that Ferdinando did continue the government of Castile, as admi nistrator unto his daughter Joan, by the title of Queen Isabella s will, and partly by the custom of the kingdom, as he pretended. And that all mandates and grants were expediated in the name of Joan his daughter, and himself as ad ministrator, without mention of Philip her hus band. And that King Ferdinando, howsoever he did dismiss himself of the name of King of Castile, yet meant to hold the kingdom without account, and in absolute command. It appeareth also, that he flattered himself with hopes, that King Philip would permit unto him the government of Castile during his life; which he had laid his plot to work him unto, both by some counsellors of his about him, which Ferdi nando had at his devotion, and chiefly by promise, that in case Philip gave not way unto it, he would marry some young lady, whereby to put him by the succession of Arragon and Granada, in case he should have a son ; and lastly, by representing unto him that the government of the Burgundians, till Philip were by continuance in Spain made as natural of Spain, would not he endured by the Spaniards. But in all those things, though wisely laid down and considered, Ferdinando failed; but that Pluto was better to him than Pallas. In the same report also, the ambassadors being mean men, and therefore the more free, did strike upon a string which was somewhat dangerous; for they declared plainly, that the people of Spain, both nobles and commons, were better affected unto the part of Philip, so he brought his wife with him, than to Ferdinando; and ex pressed the reason to be, because he had imposed upon them many taxes and tallages : which was the king s own case between him and his son. There was also in this report a declaration of in overture of marriage, which Amason, the secretary of Ferdinando, had made unto the am bassadors in great secret, between Charles, Prince of Castile, and Mary, the king s second daughter; assuring the king, that the treaty of marriage then on foot for the said prince and the daughter of France, would break; and that she, the said daughter of France should be married to Ango- lesme, that was the heir apparent of France. There was a touch also of a speech of marriage between Ferdinando and Madame de Fois, a lady of the blocd of France, which afterwards indeed succeeded. But this was reported as learned in France, and silenced in Spain. The V ng, by the return of this embassage, which gave great light unto his affairs, was well instructed, and prepared how to carry himself between Ferdinando, King of Arragon, and Philip, his son-in-law, King of Castile; resolv ing with himself to do all that in him lay, to keep them at one within themselves ; but howso ever they succeeded, by a moderate carriage, and bearing the person of a common friend, to lose neither of their friendships; but yet to run a course more entire with the King of Arragon, but more laboured and officious with the King of Castile. But he was much taken with the over ture of marriage with his daughter Mary ; both because it was the greatest marriage of Chris tendom, and for that it took hold of both allies. But to corroborate his alliance with Philip, the winds gave him an interview : for Philip choosing the winter season, the better to surprise the King of Arragon, set forth with a great navy out of Flanders for Spain, in the month of January, the one-and-twentieth year of the king s reign. But himself was surprised with a cruel tempest, that scattered his ships upon the several coasts of Eng land. And the ship wherein the king and queen were, with two other small barks only, torn and in great peril, to escape the fury of the weather thrust into Weymouth. King Philip himself, having not been used, as it seems, to sea, all wearied and extreme sick, would needs land to refresh his spirits, though it was against the opinion of his council, doubting it might breed delay, his occasions requiring celerity. The rumour of the arrival of a puissant navy upon the coast made the country arm. And Sir Thomas Trenchard, with forces suddenly raised, not knowing what the matter might be, came to Weymouth ; where, understanding the accident, he did in all humbleness and humanity invite the king and queen to his house ; and forthwith de spatched posts to the court. Soon after came Sir John Carew likewise, with a great troop of men well armed : using the like humbleness and re spects towards the king, when he knew the case. King Philip doubting that they, being but subjects, durst not let him pass away again without . the king s notice and leave, yielded to their entreaties to stay till they heard from the court. The king, as soon as he heard the news, commanded present ly the Earl of Arundel to go to visit the King of Castile, and let him understand that as he was very sorry for his mishap, so he was glad that he had escaped the danger of the seas, and likewise of the occasion himself had to do him honour ; and desiring him to think himself as in his own land ; and that the king made all haste possible to come and embrace him. The earl came to him in great magnificence, with a brave troop of three hundred horse ; and, for more state, came by torch-light. After he had done the king s message, King Philip seeing how the world went, the sooner to get away, went upon speed to the king at Windsor, and his queen followed by easy journeys. The , two kings at their meeting used all the caresses