Page:The Works of Francis Bacon (1884) Volume 1.djvu/525

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Ihese good counsels of hers wanted the effect: in fell upon times of a singular learning and suflv the former I verily believe for tlie universal good of Europe, lest happily the ambition of Spain, be ing unloosed from its fetters, should have poured itself (as things then stood) upon the other king doms and states of Christendom : and for the lat ter, the blood of so many innocents with their wives and children slain within their own har bours and nests by the scum of the people, (who like so many mastitis were let loose, and hearten ed, and even set upon them by the state,) would not suffer it; which did continually cry unto God for vengeance, that so blood-sucking a kingdom might have her fill thereof, in the intestine slaugh ters and consumption of a civil war. Howsoever she persisted to perform the part of a wise and loving confederate. There is another cause also for which we may justly admire this peace so constantly pursued and maintained by the queen. And that is, that it did not proceed from any bent or inclination of those times ; but from the prudency of her govern ment and discreet carriage of things. For where as she herself was not without manifest danger from an ill-affected party at home for the cause of religion, and that the strength and forces of this kingdom were in the place of a bulwark to all Europe against the then dreadful and overflowing ambition and power of the King of Spain, she might have apprehended just cause of a war ; but as she was still ready with her counsel, so she was not behindhand with her forces. And this we are taught by an event the most memorable of any in our time, if we look upon the felicity there of. For when as the Spanish navy (set forth with such wonderful preparation in all kinds, the terror and amazement of all Europe, carried on with almost assurance of victory) came braving upon our seas ; it took not so much as one poor cock-boat of ours, nor fired any one village, nor landed one man upon English ground ; but was utterly defeated, and after a shameful flight and many shipwrecks quite dispersed, so as the peace of this kingdom was never more firm and solid. Neither was her felicity less in escaping treacher ous attempts at home, than in subduing and de feating foreign invasions. For not a few treasons plotted against her life were most fortunately discovered and disappointed. And this was no cause to make her lead a more fearful or diffident life than before. No new increase of her guard, no immuring herself within her own walls, or eienr ; in which it was not possible to be emi- nrnt, without admirable endowments of it, ami a rare temper of virtue. Ai_ r ;iin, tin- r. i<_ni> <,t" women are for the most part ..I.M-nred l.y their husbands; upon whom all their praises and wor thy acts do reflect : as for those that continue un married, it is they that impropriate tin v. h. ., glory and merit to themselves. And this was the peculiar glory of this princess, that she had no props or supports of her government, but those that were of her own making. She had no brother, the son of her mother ; no uncle, none other of the royal blood and lineage that might be partner in her cares, and an upholder of the regal dignity. And as for those whom she raised to honour, she carried such a discreet hand over them, and so interchanged her favours as they still strived in emulation and desire to please her best, and she herself remained in all things an absolute princess. Childless she was, and left no issue behind her; which was the case of many of the most fortu nate princes, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Trajan, and others. And this is a case that hath been often controverted and argued on both sides, whilst some hold the want of children to be a diminution of our happiness, as if it should be an estate more than human to be happy both in our own persons, and in our descendants, but others do account the want of children as an addition to earthly happiness, inasmuch as that happiness may be said to complete, over which fortune hath no power, when we are gone: which if we leave children cannot be. She had also many outward gifts of nature. A tall stature; a comely and straight making; an extraordinary majesty of aspect, joined with a sweetness; a most happy and constant healthful- ness of body. Unto which I may add, that in the full possession both of her limbs and spirits until her last sickness, having received no blow from fortune, nor decay from old age; she obtain ed that which Augustus Caesar so importunately prayed for; an easy and undistempered passage out of this world. Which also is reported of An toninus Pius, that excellent emperor; whose death had the resemblance of some soft and pleasing slumber. So in Queen Elizabeth s disease, there was no ghastly or fearful accident; no idleness of brain ; nothing unaccustomed to man in gene ral : she was not transported either with desire f life, or tediousness of sickness, or extremity forbearing to be seen abroad; but as one assured | of pain ; she had no grievous or uncomely symp- and confident, and that was more mindful of her i toms, but all things were of that kind, as did rather escape from danger, than of the danger itself, she I show the frailty of nature, than a deordination 01 was constant to her former customs and fashions. I reproach of it. For some few days before htr Furthermore, it is worth our labour to consider j death, being much pined with the extreme drought the nature of the times in which she reigned, j of her body, and those cares that accompany a For there are some times so barbarous and igno- j crown, and not wonted to refresh herself with rant that it is no greater matter to jjovcrn people wine, or any liberal diet, she wa struck with :i than to govern a flock of sheep. But this queen , torpor and frigidity in her nerves ; notwithstand- BL