Page:The Works of J. W. von Goethe, Volume 14.djvu/13

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Book the Fifth (Continued)
IV. Preparations for Italy 3
V. Italy 16
VI. Egmont and Tasso 29
VII. Return Home 40
VIII. Christiane Vulpius 49
IX. The Poet as a Man of Science 64
X. The Campaign in France 121

Book the Sixth.1794 to 1805
I. Goethe and Schiller 143
II. Wilhelm Meister 160
III. The Romantic School 174
IV. Hermann und Dorothea 183
V. The Theatrical Manager 199
VI. Schiller's Last Years 221
VII. Faust 237
VIII. The Lyrical Poems 284

Book the Seventh.1805 to 1832
I. The Battle of Jena 293
II. Goethe’s Wife 299
III. Bettina and Napoleon 304
IV. Elective Affinities 318
V. Politics and Religion 328
VI. The Activity of Age 349
VII. The Second Part of “Faust” 371
VIII. The Closing Scenes 384
Appendix 399
